Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fireworks Day!

Happy Fireworks Day!!

4th of July is my favorite day of the year! What could possibly be better than grillin' with friends and then cuddling up with the one you love as fireworks light up the night sky? Ry is off today and I'm so flippin' happy!!

In honor of this amazing day, I decided to paint my nails accordingly. I saw this idea on Pinterest first. After hours and hours of did not turn out like the picture shows!

So I got out my industrial nail polish remover and started over with a new idea. 

First I painted my nails with a white base coat. 

Next, I grabbed a straw and cut it in half.  I dipped 1 end of the straw into my bottle of red glittery nail polish. Then I positioned the straw over my nail and blew, to make the red polish look splattered on my nails.
WARNING: This part is extremely messy, but a whole lot of fun! 

(Looks like I murdered someone )

Once the red dried, I did the same procedure with a blue glittery polish. I finished it off with a clear top coat and voila! 
(My masterpiece!)

I got my idea from here. What do you all think? I think it looks like tiny blasts of fireworks. 

I hope everyone has a great 4th of July! Stay safe, hydrated, and most of all have fun!!


PS. My Momma made this hilarious video of Ry & I! Click here for some laughs! 

1 comment:

  1. I am glad the final product of your nails turned out nicely. I saw the picture of the red nail polish and i got a little frightened! hehe but it looks good.
    Also, LOVE THE VIDEO THAT MAMA KAT MADE!!!!! hilarious. I told you we could do a music video any time and that just proved it!!! hahaha
